[Updated 2025] Singapore Emcee Rates and Charges for Different Types of Events

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One of the most commonly searched or asked questions when it comes to determining whether one require engaging an emcee would be regarding Singapore Emcees’ rates and charges.

Before going into that, it is also wise to first mention an emcee charges the client for their event based on various factors such as how long the event will be, how large an audience will the event be expecting, the event venue, meetings/rehearsals required of the emcee prior to the event day, activities that the emcee need to conduct during the event, or any other miscellaneous costings deemed relevant or necessary to be billed. Of course, this is just a rough list and different emcees will have their own packages.

That being said, one common gripe that many emcees face is that clients have the misconception that emcees are paid based on how much they speak during the event. This is a huge misunderstanding and is actually unfair to the emcee. Clients have to understand that even if they do not require the emcee to speak a lot, and that there will be segments of the event that the emcee isn’t required to speak, this doesn’t free up the emcee to leave the event venue and take on other projects. Simply put, requiring the emcee being at the venue is already an opportunity cost for the emcee and that means lost of time to take on other projects. As such, do commensurate the engaged emcee reasonably and avoid negotiating downwards on the price of engagement.

Moving on to the rates charged by various emcees for different events, this article can only provide a ball park figure. For example, a wedding banquet can cost anywhere in the range of S$588 to S$1088. A half-day conference will cost between S$1000 to S$2000 while a full-day conference will more likely be around S$1500 to S$3000. Smaller scale events such as roadshows will usually be charged on an hourly basis and will be around S$100 to S$250 an hour. Here’s a table to summarize:

Event TypePrice (SGD)
Dinner & Dance1000 – 3000
Conference1500 – 3000
Wedding Banquet588 – 1088
Family Day Carnivals800 – 2000
Product Launches800 – 1800
Roadshow100 – 250 per hour

It’s difficult to produce a comprehensive rate card here. Some emcees might charge hourly rates while some do not. Their years of experience in the industry will also affect the way they charge and their premium prices. If you are willing to look at developing a long-term working relationship with the emcee, they might even be willing to discuss and adjust their rates for you! There will also be some other characteristics of the emcee that will likely affect his or her rates. These are:


A more respected, looked-up upon, and well known emcee in the industry will definitely be more costly to engage than one who is relatively new and unheard of. Usually a good gauge of this will be their social media profiles or testimonials from many clients.

Type of Event

The type of event that’s required for the emcee to host will also affect the rate that the emcee will charge. Some emcees specialize in formal corporate events and will charge higher for those as those type of events will require someone who is more experienced and polished. Comparing to a less formal event such as roadshow or parties, professional level events require more preparation and attention to detail.

Duration of Event

This is quite self-explanatory as an event that’s longer in duration such as a day-long family day event will incur a higher cost for engaging an emcee compared to a half-day roadshow. Similarly, if wedding couples need to engage the emcee for solemnization before the banquet, the duration is longer and would cost more.

Demand or Season of the Year

Singapore Emcee rates are also affected by supply and demand! Some season of the year are just popular timing for events, such as Chinese New Year, June Holidays, and year-end Dinner and Dance. When it is peak period, naturally emcees will be busier and that could mean they can command a slight premium.

Add-on Vendors

Some emcees are also able to rope in other vendors to provide other services such as live band or magician performances. Other popular add-on services might also include script writing or even provision of professional sound systems. Coordination with these vendors might also mean the emcee will charge a little more for the time and effort.

Hope this article gives you a nice insight into how emcees come up with their charges, what should you consider when enquiring about emcee rates, as well as what range of pricing will you be looking at based on your type of event. Head to the directory, look up the list of emcees and start contacting them to find out more!

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